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KVT Multi Speciality Hospitals LLP




ENT is a speciality which deals with Ear, Nose and Throat issues of the patients. Our ENT Specialists in KVT Hospitals perform diagnosis and surgery procedures and preventive care related to ENT health issues.


Common ENT Problems

Typically, ENT Doctors treat patients with,


Common ENT Surgeries

ENT surgeons (Otorhinolaryngologists) perform complex operations that are related to Ear, Nose and Throat. If the patient has a serious or complex problem, an ENT surgeon may perform simple to complex surgeries based on the health condition. The common operations performed are,


ENT Consultants

Dr. K.Deepak Raj MBBS.,  DLO., DNB. (ENT)
ENT Surgeon
Tuesday & Friday 4.30 pm to 5.30 pm

Dr. Arunai Theepan  MBBS., DLO., DNB. (ENT)
ENT Surgeon
Tuesday & Friday 9:00 am to 11:00 am


ENT - Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ

E – Ear, N – Nose, T – Throat

ENT doctors treat patients with ear, nose, and throat disorder or diseases. Minor issues can be resolved at the earliest if it is diagnosed and treated by a specialist so that major issues can be prevented.

Otolaryngology is a speciality which treats patients with issues in the ears, nose,  throat, head and neck.

Otolaryngologist is a Doctor who treats patients with issues in the ears, nose, throat, head and neck medically and surgically.

Vertigo is a sensation of feeling of spinning or head is spinning. Vertigo is often caused by an inner ear problem.

Tinnitus is a disease when you hear ringing or other noise in the ears.

Otosclerosis is a condition of the middle ear bone when it causes hearing loss.

Otitis interna is inflammation of inner ear. Otitis media is inflammation of middle ear. Otitis externa is inflammation of outer ear.

Tonsillectomy is the surgical procedure to remove the tonsils.

Surgical removal of the adenoids is called adenoidectomy.