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KVT Multi Speciality Hospitals LLP

Emergency and Critical Care

Ambulance KVT Hospitals

Emergency and Critical Care

Emergency and Critical Care is an important part of KVT Hospitals. KVT Hospitals has a separate department for Emergency and Critical Care and works 24X7 to attend to emergency patients. Emergency and Critical Care Patients are given top priority access to all facilities of KVT Hospitals. The following steps are followed in Emergency and Critical Care cases.

Types of Emergency Care

Ambulance KVT Hospitals

Types of Emergency

The following are the common reasons for patients to be hospitalized in emergency care are,

Accident and Emergency Care

Doctors in Emergency Care

Doctors in Emergency and Critical Care are experts in Emergency Management and handle patients with extreme care. They are experienced in handling patient crisis situations with updated knowledge, procedural skills and excellent assessment skills. They decide on the severity of the condition of the patient and also decide on the diagnostic tests that need to be done to make the assessment accurate. They decide on the procedure to be performed to improve the patient health condition on a quick recovery basis.


Nursing Care of Emergency Patient

Emergency and Critical Care nursing has a wide variety of responsibilities as many actions need to be performed in a fast and correct manner. The responsibilities of the Emergency and Critical Care nurse are,